illness awareness illness scale

We would like to thank the following groups for translating the scales into different language versions:

NAS - Turkish version

Oznur Muz FN1, Metintas S1, Onsuz MF1, Sungur S1, Tepetes M1, Akdag Z1 (2023). Turkish translation of the Nicotine Use Awareness and Insight Scale (NAS).

1- Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey

AAS - Turkish version

Çunkuş Köktaş N1, and Ayakdaş Dağlı D2 (2023). Turkish translation of the Alcohol Use Awareness and Insight Scale (AAS).

1- Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey

2- Department of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, Izmir Katip Celebi University, Izmir, Turkey

BASIS - Chinese version

Wang X1, Li Y1, Zhang X1, Zang X1 (2019). Chinese translation of the Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Awareness and Insight Scale (BASIS). TianJin, China.

1- TianJin Medical University

OASIS - Turkish version

Guduk O1, Guduk O1, Sertbas Y1, Satman I2 (2020). Turkish translation of the Obesity Awareness and Insight Scale (OASIS). Istanbul, Turkey.

1- Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate

2- The Turkish Institute for Public Health and Chronic Diseases, The Health Institutes of Turkey

OASIS - Spanish version

Perez - Mendoza, D1 (2021). Spanish translation of the Obesity Awareness and Insight Scale (OASIS). Medelin, Colombia.

1- International University of Andalucía

DAS - Turkish version

Guduk O1, Guduk O1, Sertbas Y1, Satman I2 (2020). Turkish translation of the Diabetes Awareness and Insight Scale (DAS). Istanbul, Turkey.

1- Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate

2- The Turkish Institute for Public Health and Chronic Diseases, The Health Institutes of Turkey

BASIS - Turkish version

Guduk O1, Guduk O1, Sertbas Y1, Satman I2 (2020). Turkish translation of the Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Awareness and Insight Scale (BASIS). Istanbul, Turkey.

1- Istanbul Provincial Health Directorate

2- The Turkish Institute for Public Health and Chronic Diseases, The Health Institutes of Turkey